Worlds away from everyday
Pocket Dimension II - A new beginning.

In the 25th month of the 500th cycle, during the rule of the Priest Kings, the LaySinger G'Mot turned to prophecy. Hailed during his day, the G'Mot Prophecies fell out of favour when the prophet failed to predict his own death.

Prophecy, being an uncertain science, is only valued if it contains a clue of how to prevent any disaster it predicts. Scholars had dismissed G'Mot as a charlatan for the lack of these essential clues, stating that without the solution, it was evident that the disasters he predicted would never occur.

When the Mountain Furitsu erupted and drowned the town of Karoosh in a sea of fire, the Teachers of Prophecy searched the scrolls for a prediction of the disaster. A reference was finally found in the Second Scroll of G'Mot. But no solution to G'Mot's final disaster was recorded.

The Shining Palace has been evacuated. A reference has been found, to a lost Fifth Scroll of G'Mot. Surely a cure to the ensuing plague is encrypted in that scroll. You have been sent to the yawning entrance of this decaying ruin, to find the Lost Scroll hidden within.


Create characters, shape their statistics and determine their class before you release them into the dungeon below.

Improve your player's abilities with the skill points they earn as experience is gained.

You can look at, use, drop and beam items from the inventory screen. Collect gems, weapons, potions and garb.

Combat opponents in a three dimensional setting. See them round corners and stalk you, even as you hunt them.

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